
Blog posts of '2017' 'June'

Indonesian Coffee Beans
Indonesian Coffee Beans

The main coffee growing regions in Indonesia include Bali, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java and Timor. Sumatra and Java are usually the two that you will see in your coffee shop. So what can we tell you about the coffee beans from this part of the world?

Coffee From Kenya
Coffee From Kenya

Kenya is famed for its coffee despite the fact that coffee came quite late to this country. It was introduced in 1900 by the British to what was traditionally a tea drinking nation. But what is it that makes Kenya so special in coffee circles?

Uses For Coffee Grounds
Uses For Coffee Grounds

What to do with your unwanted coffee grounds is a real problem. The best use is in your garden. We suggest some ideas on how your garden could benefit.

Coffee Harvesting Times
Coffee Harvesting Times

Different coffee growing regions produce crop and ship at different times. It isn’t easy to be completely clear as different countries have different coffee producers working at different altitudes. This means they will harvest at different times. The following is a rough guide to give you some idea.

Hot Day? Drink Hot Coffee
Hot Day? Drink Hot Coffee

On a hot day we all reach for cold drinks but scientists suggest that you should in fact drink a hot drink to cool down. Sound weird? Read on!