

How Do You Drink Your Coffee?
How Do You Drink Your Coffee?

Around the world people take their coffee very differently. For some adding milk is a real sin, whilst for others a milky coffee is the only way to start a morning. Here we examine how people around the world take their coffee. Of course this is not true of everyone as many people adopt different cu...

7 ways That Coffee Is Good For You
7 ways That Coffee Is Good For You

We are often warned that we shouldn't drink too much coffee but here we look at 7 amazing health benefits of drinking coffee.

Is Coffee Bad For Our Bones?
Is Coffee Bad For Our Bones?

Can drinking caffeine affect our bone density as it has been associated with loss of calcium? We look at the research and see what the findings are. 

Are There Too Many Coffee Shops?
Are There Too Many Coffee Shops?

Everywhere you look now there seems to be a coffee shop. So are we reaching saturation point or is there always room for one more?

How To Choose A Coffee Machine
How To Choose A Coffee Machine

If you want to buy a coffee machine for the home then you have a huge choice, from pod machines, to manual espresso to bean to cup. Read our guide so you know the differences between them and what may be right for you.

It's Official, Finns Drink More Coffee Than Anyone Else!
It's Official, Finns Drink More Coffee Than Anyone Else!

Its official! Finland consumes more coffee than any other country. But why is this and what about the quality?

How To Make A Great Frappuccino
How To Make A Great Frappuccino

Cold coffee drinks have become hugely popular over the years. But what exactly is a frappuccino and how can you create one at home?

Can Coffee Really Make You Live Longer?
Can Coffee Really Make You Live Longer?

Recent research from both Europe and the US suggests that if you drink coffee you could add years to your life. What is the research and can it really make us live longer?

Indonesian Coffee Beans
Indonesian Coffee Beans

The main coffee growing regions in Indonesia include Bali, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java and Timor. Sumatra and Java are usually the two that you will see in your coffee shop. So what can we tell you about the coffee beans from this part of the world?

Coffee From Kenya
Coffee From Kenya

Kenya is famed for its coffee despite the fact that coffee came quite late to this country. It was introduced in 1900 by the British to what was traditionally a tea drinking nation. But what is it that makes Kenya so special in coffee circles?