
Why Coffee is a Laxitive

Why Coffee is a Laxitive

First of all we wouldn’t recommend coffee to be used as a laxative in the medical sense. In some people it can cause constipation and dehydration. But in many people coffee can be very effective in acting in a similar way to other well-known laxatives. But why is this?

Why is Coffee a Laxative?

Essentially coffee stimulates peristalsis which is the biological name for the contractions that occur to move food through your digestive system. Drinking coffee can speed up these contractions causing bowel movements. If you choose to drink your coffee at the same time every day you may start to see just how effective coffee is in your body in inducing a bowel movement.

Many would also argue that coffee is not as harsh on the body as the laxatives that you buy at a pharmacy so can be a good option for those who need help with bowel movements.

A Healthy Alternative?

In fact coffee enemas have been developed as an alternative method of cleansing the colon. The holistic healing community use them widely as they believe that many ailments affecting the body come from an unhealthy colon but mainstream medicine has yet to fully endorse this.

Do beware though. If you drink too much coffee you could get diarrhoea and even vomiting. Coffee can also be a diuretic, causing electrolyte imbalance and dehydration in some when taken in excess.

All About Balance

So as with most things moderation is key. In many people a mug of coffee in the morning can help to get their bowel movements going, make them more alert and awake and set them up for the day!

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