

Coffee Can Help Prevent Depression
Coffee Can Help Prevent Depression

Research suggests that drinking coffee can help make you feel good and help in the fight against depression. Here we explain what the research says.

How To Make A Great Espresso
How To Make A Great Espresso

Read our tips on how to produce the perfect espresso. Everything from grinding, to tampering, to warming the cup. It will take time so practice is key to creating the perfect espresso.

Why Coffee is a Laxitive
Why Coffee is a Laxitive

Did you know that not only is coffee a diuretic, but it's a laxative also? Why not find out why and why it may not be such a bad thing. Read our guide below to find out the facts.

Coffee Increases Productivity in the Workplace
Coffee Increases Productivity in the Workplace

In a recent study it was proven that the productivity of a design agency was greater when coffee drinking was allowed than when it was banned. Read the research and discover how coffee is closely linked to feeling good and work output.

Will Coffee Dehydrate You?
Will Coffee Dehydrate You?

The view almost all of us have is that drinking coffee will lead to dehydration. Research now suggests that coffee is as good for you as water and that it will not lead to dehydration.

How Much Coffee is it Safe to Drink?
How Much Coffee is it Safe to Drink?

How much coffee should you be safely drinking in a day? There's no magic equation here, but read our brief article on what to consider when you choose to drink your coffee.

Espresso Coffee Machine or 'Bean to Cup'
Espresso Coffee Machine or 'Bean to Cup'

A personal choice for some. Do you pour in the beans and wait for the finished article, or choose an Espresso Machine where you control the bean grind with your grinder, control tamping pressure and then how much you want to fill your cup?

The Key Coffee Growing Regions of the World
The Key Coffee Growing Regions of the World

When choosing coffee beans the choice can be overwhelming! Read our guide to the key coffee growing regions in the world to understand a little bit more about the type of coffee you could expect from different regions of the world.

Knowing Which Coffee Beans Are Right For You
Knowing Which Coffee Beans Are Right For You

Buying coffee beans can be a confusing business. Check out our guide to what all the coffee bean terminology menas and what each different coffee growing region can offer.

How Coffee Can Help Sports Performance
How Coffee Can Help Sports Performance

Can caffeine really help you perform better in sport? Check out the latest research to see how coffee could in fact support you in sport and improve your performance.